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Writer's pictureLauren North

What did you do this Summer?

September is getting scarily close and soon you'll be finding yourself asking your colleagues the standard post-summer question "What did you do this summer?"

No doubt you'll already know the answer for some; they were 'too busy to get away' or 'left it too late to book something' or the best one...'couldn't get cover'. Wouldn't it be nice to share your memories and stories that could rival even the best Instagram feed?

It's 2018, the professional services that you can reach out to when you need help are vast. Virtual Assistants are on hand in every country and city around the globe. Assistants that can keep your business ticking over while you go off and enjoy yourself; whether it be on a golden sandy beach or simply enjoying your own home luxuries for a while. Let's face it with the weather in the UK recently even deciding to have a last minute week off here in the UK could do wonders for you.

Using a Virtual Assistant for a number of jobs can improve your productivity immensely. From simple tasks like call diverting and typing to larger scale jobs like event management and travel organisation; whatever you chose to get help with you are guaranteed to gain the extra time to enjoy yourself over the summer.

What are you waiting for? Get in touch with Virtual Assist Me and start making summer 2018 one to remember!

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